Passenger Services 旅客服務 旅客服务
Our team takes care of passengers’ needs from check-in, transit to boarding. We are experienced in assisting passengers who require special assistance, including passengers with reduced mobility, the unaccompanied minors and seniors etc. 從登記櫃檯至登機閘口,新翔(香港) 團隊將為旅客提供優質服務。我們的專業團隊亦會協助需要輪椅服務的旅客、長者及獨行兒童等。

Ticketing Services 機票服務 机票服务
Our Information Counter is located at check-in aisle D, Terminal 1, where passengers can conveniently enjoy ticketing services provided by our professional team.
旅客可於位於一號客運大樓D段的新翔(香港) 資訊櫃檯查詢航班及票務資訊,我們樂意解答旅客的疑問。

Airport Services Management 機場服務管理 机场服务管理
We provide lounge reception, station management as to assist airlines in cost planning.